Why Big Banks Are Terrified of These Emerging Fintech Technologies!

The financial industry is witnessing a paradigm shift, propelled by the advent of groundbreaking fintech technologies. As we enter 2024, these innovations are not just reshaping the way we manage money, but are also posing a formidable challenge to the hegemony of traditional banks. This article delves into why big banks are increasingly apprehensive about these emerging technologies and their potential to disrupt the established financial ecosystem.

The Evolution of Fintech: A Brief History

The journey of fintech has been nothing short of remarkable. From rudimentary online banking services in the late 20th century to today’s sophisticated digital platforms, fintech has evolved at a breakneck pace. Key milestones in its evolution include the introduction of blockchain technology, the rise of artificial intelligence (AI), and the widespread adoption of mobile payments, all of which have set the stage for the current landscape in 2024.

According to Deloitte, the global fintech market, valued at about $127.66 billion in 2018, is expected to grow to $309.98 billion by 2022 at an annual growth rate of 24.8%.

Cutting-Edge Technologies Shaping Fintech

Blockchain and Cryptocurrency: Blockchain technology, with its decentralised and secure framework, has revolutionised the concept of digital transactions. Cryptocurrencies, powered by blockchain, have introduced a new asset class, compelling banks to reconsider their operational models.

PwC reports that over 77% of financial institutions are expected to adopt blockchain technology as part of an in-production system or process by 2020.

AI and Machine Learning: AI has transformed the way financial institutions understand and interact with customers. From personalised financial advice to advanced fraud detection, AI is at the forefront of fintech innovation.

EY estimates that AI can help reduce banks’ operational costs by up to 25%.

Mobile Payments and Digital Wallets: The surge in mobile payment solutions and digital wallets has made financial transactions more accessible and convenient, appealing particularly to the tech-savvy younger generation.

According to TechCrunch, mobile payment transactions are expected to surpass $1 trillion globally by 2024.

Impact of Fintech on Traditional Banking

Fintech innovations have dramatically altered customer expectations, leading to a significant shift in the way banking services are consumed. Traditional banks are now facing intense competition for market share, with fintech firms offering more agile, customer-centric solutions.

Deloitte’s research indicates that about 23% of consumers use non-traditional banking solutions for their banking needs, which is expected to increase.

Why Big Banks are Concerned

The primary concern for big banks lies in the threat to their existing revenue streams. Fintech firms, with their lower overheads and innovative business models, can offer services at a fraction of the cost, thereby undercutting traditional banks. Regulatory challenges and the need for technological adaptation further exacerbate the banks’ worries.

As per PwC, fintech companies could capture up to 33% of the traditional banking sector’s market share.

Case Studies: Fintech Success Stories

Several fintech startups have emerged as success stories, showcasing the immense potential of this sector. These firms have not only captured significant market share but have also forced traditional banks to rethink their strategies.

Companies like Revolut and Square have disrupted traditional banking models, with Revolut achieving a valuation of over $5.5 billion as of 2020 (TechCrunch).

The Role of Blockchain in Banking’s Future

Blockchain’s potential extends beyond cryptocurrencies. Its application in areas like cross-border payments and identity verification is proving to be a game-changer for the banking industry.

EY reports that blockchain could save the banking industry up to $20 billion annually by 2022.

Artificial Intelligence: A Game Changer

AI’s role in banking goes beyond customer service. Its application in risk management and predictive analytics is enabling banks to make more informed decisions, thus revolutionising the sector.

The Surge of Mobile Banking and Digital Wallets

Mobile banking and digital wallets have seen a surge in user adoption rates. This shift is compelling traditional banks to enhance their digital offerings to stay relevant in the market.

Deloitte states that 90% of smartphone users will make a mobile payment by 2024.

Consumer Behaviour: The Drive Towards Fintech

Changing consumer behaviour, particularly among Millennials and Gen Z, is driving the fintech revolution. These demographics prefer quick, easy, and transparent financial services, aligning perfectly with what fintech offers.

 A PwC survey found that 75% of Millennials are using mobile banking services.

The Regulatory Landscape for Fintech

The regulatory landscape for fintech is constantly evolving. Current regulations are designed to ensure consumer protection and financial stability, while also promoting innovation in the sector.

Regulators are increasingly focusing on data security and consumer protection, with GDPR being a notable example (EY).

Big Banks’ Strategies to Compete with Fintech

Big banks are not sitting idle. Many are adopting strategies like collaborations with fintech firms and internal innovations to remain competitive.

Many big banks are now creating their digital-only banking platforms, like Goldman Sachs’ Marcus (TechCrunch).

Challenges and Risks in Fintech

Despite its potential, fintech is not without its challenges and risks. Security concerns and the sustainability of some business models are key issues that need to be addressed.

Cybersecurity remains a significant concern, with financial services firms facing an average of 85 targeted cyber attacks per year (PwC).

Predictions for the Future of Fintech and Banking

Looking ahead to 2025 and beyond, fintech is poised to continue its disruptive trajectory. New technologies and consumer trends are likely to further shape the relationship between fintech and traditional banking.

A focus on customer experience has led to 60% of customers reporting higher satisfaction rates with fintech services compared to traditional banking (EY).

User Experience: The Heart of Fintech’s Success

At the heart of fintech’s success is its focus on user experience (UX). Fintech firms have excelled in providing user-friendly interfaces, a stark contrast to the often cumbersome processes of traditional banks.

A focus on customer experience has led to 60% of customers reporting higher satisfaction rates with fintech services compared to traditional banking (EY).

Investment Trends in Fintech

The fintech sector has attracted significant investment, with venture capital flowing into innovative startups. This influx of capital is a testament to the sector’s potential for growth and disruption.

Global fintech investment reached $34.5 billion in 2019, with a projected increase in the following years (TechCrunch).


The ascent of fintech technologies has undeniably rattled the foundations of traditional banking. With their innovative solutions and customer-centric approach, fintech firms are not just competing with big banks but are also redefining the very essence of financial services. As we look towards the future, one thing is certain: the financial landscape will continue to evolve, driven by these emerging technologies that show no signs of slowing down.

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